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Home » 淘生活 » 姊妹旅食 » 台南隱藏版景點大公開! 「台版小荷蘭」療癒田園景觀、荷蘭風車爆紅
▲有「台版小荷蘭」之稱的台南網美景點。(圖/授權自IG @zhi_xiang925)

台南隱藏版景點大公開! 「台版小荷蘭」療癒田園景觀、荷蘭風車爆紅


Tainan has long been a hot spot for domestic travelers, and as more and more people travel to this historical city, they unveil new #Instaworthy attractions along the way.

Here is a quick introduction to two popular spots in the heart of Taiwan!

「德元埤荷蘭村」 | Deyuanpi Holland Village


Located in Liuying District, Tainan City, “Deyuanpi Holland Village” boasts quiet waterways, vast green land, healing rural scenery, and a beautiful Dutch windmill proudly standing on the river bank.

▲德元埤荷蘭村|Deyuanpi Holland Village (Courtesy of IG @alisa7450)


As you stroll through the grasslands, you will be tempted to click the shutter when you see the giant wooden shoes and tulips. A Windmill Festival is held there each year, which attracts the young and the young at heart from all across the country.

▲德元埤荷蘭村|Deyuanpi Holland Village (Courtesy of IG @alisa7450)

How to get there? | 地址:臺南市柳營區神農里新厝100號|No. 736, Tainan City, Liuying District

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