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Home » 淘生活 » 姊妹旅食 » 絕美夢幻溼地、繽紛彩虹大橋 盤點新竹3大IG打卡聖地!
▲香山溼地 | Xiangshan Wetlands (Courtesy of @katemowmow/@kkaoyuan89/Instagram)

絕美夢幻溼地、繽紛彩虹大橋 盤點新竹3大IG打卡聖地!

▲新豐紅毛港、香山溼地、新竹彩虹大橋 | Xinfeng Mangrove Nature Reserve, Xiangshan Wetlands, Rainbow bridges (Courtesy of @xinxin____selftalk, @show_0102_, @sssiyu._ | Instagram)


Are you still thinking about where to go this weekend? If you don’t have any plans yet, why don’t you visit the Windy City Hsinchu in northern Taiwan for a walk? Here’s a list of three fun and photogenic spots to explore!

香山溼地 | Xiangshan Wetlands 

▲香山溼地 | Xiangshan Wetlands (Courtesy of@kkaoyuan89/Instagram)


When it comes to the best places to watch the sunset in Hsinchu, the locals would recommend the Xiangshan Wetlands! The Xiangshan Wetlands in Xiangshan District is listed as one of the nationally protected wetlands.

Xiangshan Wetlands features a “Crab Watching Trail” where you can walk 250 meters to see a variety of intertidal creatures, including crabs, mudskippers, and shrimps shellfish and more.

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