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Home » 淘生活 » 姊妹旅食 » 打破新竹景點沙漠迷思!3個必蒐藏「美炸」森林系景點


▲北得拉曼巨木步道| Beidelaman Giant Tree Trail(Photo courtesy of @bpintaiwan/Instagram)


If you still dwell on the idea that Hsinchu isn’t worth visiting, then you’re definitely out of date! These following places are not only scenic but also allow visitors to fully relax because of the aromatic Phytoncide emitted by plants.

▲北得拉曼巨木步道| Beidelaman Giant Tree Trail(Photos courtesy of @aoaovillia323 (left) and @bpintaiwan (right)/Instagram)

北得拉曼巨木步道 |Beidelaman Giant Tree Trail


Beidelaman Giant Tree Trail is the place with the lowest elevation where giant cypress trees can be spotted in Taiwan. It is also regarded as the “sacred land” by the Atayal people.

You will see a wide range of vegetation during your journey, including broad-leaved forest to cypress which are home to many species, including the most popular animal: the flying squirrel.

When visiting the Beidelaman Giant Tree Trail, you should make sure to check out the four giant Taiwan Red Cypress, dubbed “ Four Heavenly King.”

地址|How to get there :新竹縣關西鎮|Guanxi Township, Hsinchu County

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