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Home » 淘百貨 » 【一個人也可以吃很飽】白熔岩優格巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate greek yogurt fudge cake with cream cheese

【一個人也可以吃很飽】白熔岩優格巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate greek yogurt fudge cake with cream cheese

啊呦威呀!!! 食譜拖到今天才發真是不好意濕~這幾天朋友來訪,小姐充當一下在地有力人士,陪著朋友到處吃吃喝喝,還有前幾日忙著籌劃烹飪分享課,讓我的生活忙碌,一整個充實到炸開,所以食譜只能夠一次寫一小點

現在的我開始覺得離夢想又往前一小步,雖然夢想就跟烹調食物一樣,需要耐心,需要實驗的勇氣,但我相信,總會有盛盤端上餐桌的那天~Fighting!! 以上我的內心小劇場演完了,那就一起來瞧瞧這個會讓人口水直流的白熔岩優格巧克力蛋糕吧!!


~~白熔岩優格巧克力蛋糕 Chocolate greek yogurt fudge cake with cream cheese~~

★ 數量:2個 / yield:about 2 chocolate cake

★ 備料時間:10分鐘 / prep time:10mins

★ 所需時間:85~90分鐘 / total time:85~90mins

~白熔岩優格巧克力蛋糕所需食材 Ingredients for Chocolate greek yogurt fudge cake~


The standard measuring cup (250ml) was been using in this recipe

@ 低筋麵粉 1/2杯 \ 1/2 Cup cake flour

@ 細砂糖 3大匙 \ 3 Tablespoons caster sugar

@ 無糖可可粉 2大匙 \ 2 Tablespoons cocoa powder (unsweetened)

@ 鹽 一小撮 \ A pinch of salt

@ 無鋁泡打粉 1茶匙 \ 1 teaspoon baking powder

@ 無糖優格 1/2杯 (我用自製的希臘式優格) \ 1/2 Cup plain yogurt (I used homemade greek style yogurt)

★ 請點此看自製希臘式優格的步驟 ★ Click here to read the direction of homemade greek style yogurt

@ 菜籽油 1/3杯 \ 1/3 Cup Canola oil

@ 香草精 1/2茶匙 \ 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla extract

@ 低糖巧克力豆 3大匙 \ 3 Tablespoons semi-sweet chocolate chips

~奶油乳酪內餡食材 Ingredients for cream cheese filling~

@ 奶油乳酪 2大匙 \ 2 Tablespoons cream cheese

@ 糖粉 1/2大匙 \ 1/2 Tablespoon icing sugar

~做法 Directions~

1. 預先混合奶油乳酪與糖粉,放入保鮮盒中,冰入冷凍約1小時。1小時候,烤箱以180℃ (350℉) 預熱,低筋麵粉過篩

Mix cream cheese and icing sugar until well combined, place in the container and freeze about 1 hour. 1 hour after, preheat oven to 180℃ (350℉),sift cake flour a large bowl.

2. 接著將砂糖,可可粉,泡打粉和鹽倒入過篩的麵粉中拌勻

Add caster sugar,cocoa powder,baking powder and salt sifted flour, stir until combined.

3. 將優格,菜籽油以及香草精均勻混合

Mix yogurt, canola oil and vanilla extract together.

4. 將混合的麵粉倒入濕性材料並攪拌均勻

Add dry ingredients wet ingredients, whisk until well combined.

5. 最後加入巧克力豆用刮刀拌勻

Add chocolate ships batter and stir with silicone spatulas.

6. 取兩個烤模,均勻地抹上少許菜籽油

Grease baking mould with little bit canola oil.

7. 取出冷凍的奶油乳酪,均勻分成兩塊,將巧克力麵糊填入烤模1/3的高度,兩杯麵糊內各放入一塊奶油乳酪,再倒入剩下的麵糊將烤模填至9分滿,輕敲烤模讓空氣排出,送入烤箱烤25~30分鐘

Remove frozen cream cheese, cut the cream cheese two cubes, set aside. Fill baking mould with batter mixture to 1/3 full, place cream cheese cubes each baking mould, then equally pour the rest of batter mixture 2 baking mould, tap the baking mould slightly to get rid of air bubbles, bake for 25~30 minutes or until a toothpick ed the centre comes out clean.

8. 取出烤好的蛋糕,放在架上冷卻10分鐘就可以上桌了

Remove the cake from oven, cool for 10 minutes on the rack and serve.


~貼心小提醒 Note~

★ 如果手邊沒有奶油乳酪,又懶得去買,也可以不用加,這樣烤出來就是單純的巧克力布朗尼的口感

Cream cheese can be added or skipped in this recipe as you desired. The chocolate cake will have chocolate brownie texture without cream cheese filling.



本文出自Hi, 我是肉鬆小姐

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