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Home » 淘百貨 » 好物開箱 » 美國人在家工作防疫 推特瘋傳超克難臨時辦公室
▲上週起許多網友在推特開始分享在家臨時設立的緊急工作室。|Since last week, many people have shared their photos of makeshift work from home spaces to Twitter, causing quite a stir on the Internet. (Courtesy of Twitter)

美國人在家工作防疫 推特瘋傳超克難臨時辦公室


As the number of reported COVID-19 cases is on the rise, many states in the U.S. have enacted “stay at home” orders to prevent the spread of the virus. However, not everyone has a glamorous work from home space. Since last week, many people have shared their photos of makeshift work from home spaces to Twitter, causing quite a stir on the Internet.

最早是由網友Jules Forrest開始在推特分享,推文寫道,「我們可以開始一個非光鮮亮麗版本的臨時辦公室推文串嗎?我和我男伴在我們的單間小公寓工作。我的臨時辦公室就是一架椅子擺在大門,洗衣籃當桌子。」

Jules Forrest, a Twitter user, started a thread containing a photo of her temporary workspaces at home. “Can we do a WFH workspace setup thread, unglamorous edition? My partner and I are both working from our studio apartment. My setup is a chair in front of the front door and my desk is our clothes hamper, “ reads the post.


Following the post, a Twitter user shared a photo of a laptop on a recycling bin, saying that “Was working from my recycling bin the other day.”


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