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Home » 淘百貨 » 好物開箱 » 《花木蘭》聯名鞋款掀論戰 網友譏:清明節限定?
▲聯名鞋款還有木須龍樣式 | One of the design features Mushu. (Courtesy of Irregular Choice official website)

《花木蘭》聯名鞋款掀論戰 網友譏:清明節限定?

【看CP學英文】受到新冠肺炎疫情影響,迪士尼改編真人版電影《花木蘭》上映日期經過數次延宕,終於在9月4日正式上映,連帶周邊商品也成為討論主題。隨著電影上映討論熱度升高,去年迪士尼與英國手工鞋大牌Irregular Choice推出的花木蘭聯名鞋被搬上檯面成為網友熱議焦點,鞋履上的刺繡花樣被網友狂酸,遭質疑「是清明節限定款嗎?」

The release of Disney’s latest blockbuster, “Mulan,” was delayed several times as a result of the pandemic. Following the movie’s release on Sept. 4, there is, therefore, little wonder that fans have paid extra attention to the movie’s merchandise.

A line of Mulan-inspired shoes and accessories, in particular, launched by Disney and British specialized shoemaker Irregular Choice in 2019, has drawn much attention online. The design, however, was mocked by fans who called them “a limited edition for Qingming Festival.”

▲聯名鞋款還有木須龍樣式 | One of the design features Mushu. (Courtesy of Irregular Choice official website)


The low heel design is full of “oriental elements” in the eyes of westerners, with two giant water lilies covering the toe cap, matching the peach color of the heel and the turquoise and gold lining.

The princess-inspired special line has received criticism from social media users with many saying that it looks like a pair of shoes for the afterlife.

▲鞋履上的刺繡花樣被網友狂酸,遭質疑「是清明節限定款嗎」。|The design of the shoes was mocked by fans as “is it a limited edition for Qingming Festival?” (Courtesy of Irregular Choice official website)


Also, the collection features a colorful line of high heeled shoes with “oriental elements” such as auspicious clouds, plum blossoms, folding fans, and peonies.

One of the models even features a “Chinese knot” that is thrown around as you walk.


What’s even more striking is that the heel is designed in the style of “Mulan” figures, making many ask, “What did Mulan do wrong?

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