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Home » 淘百貨 » 好物開箱 » 坐擁超過200個愛馬仕包!新加坡名媛離婚印尼富豪 生活更奢華
▲新加坡名媛蔡欣穎擁有超過200個愛馬仕包,說她的衣帽間比百貨公司的貨量還多一點也不誇張。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With more than 200 Hermes bags, it's no exaggeration to say that Singapore's socialite Jamie Chua (蔡欣穎) has more luxury goods in her wardrobe than a department store. (photo courtesy/ IG)

坐擁超過200個愛馬仕包!新加坡名媛離婚印尼富豪 生活更奢華


With more than 200 Hermes bags, it’s no exaggeration to say that Singapore’s socialite Jamie Chua(蔡欣穎)has more luxury goods in her wardrobe than a department store.

The 45-year-old influencer has been sharing highlights of her luxurious life on social media platforms, including her mansion, clothes, food, boutiques, expensive cars and photos of her traveling around the world.

蔡欣穎年輕時是一名新加坡航空的新手空姐,因緣際會在商務艙認識印尼富豪Nurdian Cuaca,一拍即合閃婚成為豪門嬌妻。和他結婚15年期間,蔡欣穎為他生下1兒1女,卻突然於2011年、她36歲時離婚,理由是「個性不合」。

When she was a young Singapore Airlines flight attendant, she met an Indonesian tycoon, Nurdian Cuaca, in the business class and married him instantly.

She was married to him for 15 years and gave birth to a son and a daughter, before she eventually divorced him in 2011 at the age of 36, citing “personality clashes.”

The two did click right away after their encounter, and that’s when her lavish lifestyle began.

▲新加坡名媛蔡欣穎擁有超過200個愛馬仕包,說她的衣帽間比百貨公司的貨量還多一點也不誇張。(圖/翻攝自IG)|With more than 200 Hermes bags, it’s no exaggeration to say that Singapore’s socialite Jamie Chua (蔡欣穎) has more luxury goods in her wardrobe than a department store. (Courtesy Jamie Chua/ IG)
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