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Home » 淘百貨 » 聰明消費 » 好市多驚見台灣限定夯品!老外一看暴動:手刀衝了
▲A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found "cast iron pans" featuring Taiwan's map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users. (Screenshot from @trickytaipei /Twitter)



U.S. retailer Costco is where many families shop for household goods such as cookware. A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found “cast iron pans” featuring Taiwan’s map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users.

這名網友於週三貼出照片,只見鑄鐵鍋底部印有台灣的形狀,就連金門澎湖馬祖等離島也都有印上,且一旁還刻著「Taiwan Edition」(台灣特別版) 字樣。  

The user posted a photo of the cast iron pan featuring a map of Taiwan and the offshore islands of Kinmen, Penghu and Matsu. “Taiwan Edition” is also printed on the bottom. 

▲A social media user recently shared on Twitter that she found “cast iron pans” featuring Taiwan’s map for sale at Costco in Taiwan, causing quite a stir among other social media users. (Screenshot from @trickytaipei
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