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Home » 淘百貨 » 好物開箱 » 「中午吃什麼」插圖爆紅 老外歪樓讚台灣人都吃不胖
▲A Reddit user posted a cartoon of two Taiwanese office ladies in search of lunch and received enthusiastic responses from the foreign community. (Photo courtesy of @u/AustinYaoChen/Reddit)

「中午吃什麼」插圖爆紅 老外歪樓讚台灣人都吃不胖


A typical weekday morning for most people consists of numerous cups of coffee, meetings and emails. There is, therefore, little wonder that lunchtime is usually considered a safe haven for most office workers. Yet, the typical question “What’s for lunch?” remains unanswered for most of them.


A Taiwanese cartoon showing two office ladies walking in front of a local food stand, apparently in search of their meal, has caught the attention of the foreign community which wondered in an online chat group about the best Taiwanese dishes.

▲The cartoon shows two Taiwanese office ladies trying to decide what to eat for lunch. (Photo courtesy of @u/AustinYaoChen/Reddit)


Many social media users who have visited Taiwan previously, focused on the menu featured in the background and pointed out that Yang Chun noodles (陽春麵), pork ball soup (貢丸湯) and egg noodles (鍋燒意麵) have left a huge impression on them.

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