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Home » 淘百貨 » 好物開箱 » 過年回家又要被逼婚?戴上創意「賀年口罩」讓長輩一秒安靜
▲新加坡文創設計公司「WHENIWASFOUR小時候工作室」看到人們的困擾,近日推出新年創意口罩,只要戴上它,什麼都不用說,不僅能成功躲掉所有問題,同時也令人會心一笑。 (圖|WHENIWASFOUR官網)



During the Lunar New Year, everyone is happy to go back home and have family gatherings. Meanwhile, some feel pressured when being bombarded with relatives’ questions, asking whether they have a partner or when they would get married.  

Ahead of Chinese New Year, Singapore’s design company “Wheniwasfour” has recently launched a creative mask, which not only can help you dodge all questions but also put a smile on people.

▲No Boyfriend/Girlfriend Yet Adult Mask (Courtesy of Wheniwasfour)
▲Not Married Yet Adult Mask (Courtesy of Wheniwasfour)


The studio launched three New Year’s Eve masks, each with “Happy Chinese New Year” printed on it, as well as words in Chinese including “I don’t have a boyfriend, I don’t have a girlfriend”, “I don’t want to get married yet” and “I don’t want to have children yet.”

▲No Children Yet Adult Mask (Courtesy of Wheniwasfour)


According to the studio’s website, the design, inspired by our favorite Singaporean traditions, adds a unique local twist to the mandatory masks people have to wear.   


Wheniwasfour also sells masks with patterns of popular snacks during CNY such as dried meat, haw flakes and the Huatmate condensed milk, evoking people’s childhood memories.  

▲山楂餅懷舊口罩 | haw flakes face mask (Courtesy of Wheniwasfour)

根據官網資訊,新年系列口罩可水洗、重複使用,每個售價新加坡幣10.9元 (約新台幣230元)。  

The New Year series masks are washable and reusable, and are priced at S$10.9 (US$8.22) each. 


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原文自《The China Post

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