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▲A Filipino homeless couple have been in love for 24 years, but has not been able to hold a wedding or wedding registration procedures. (Courtesy of @Rab4love Studios/Facebook)

真愛不分貴賤!菲國街友相戀24年圓夢結婚 婚紗照曝光感動網友


Marrying the person you love is a dream come true for many people, but for those who can’t make ends meet, it’s a difficult task. 


A homeless couple in the Philippines has been in love for 24 years but has not been able to hold a wedding or complete their wedding registration. 

A barber learned their love story and decided to lend a hand to help them organize a romantic wedding. 

After the wedding photos were released, many people were touched and called “true love does not distinguish between high and low”! 

綜合外媒報導,50歲的Rosalyn Ferrer和55歲的Rommel Basco相愛已經24年,共同育有六名子女,一家人平時住在垃圾場附近的廢窟,每天為了三餐而奔波的他們,根本不敢想「結婚」這樣的事。 

According to various reports, 50-year-old Rosalyn Ferrer and 55-year-old Rommel Basco have been in love for 24 years, and have six children. 

The family usually lives in an abandoned cave near a dump, and they don’t dare to think about getting married because they have to run around every day to put food on the table. 

▲A Filipino homeless couple have been in love for 24 years, but has not been able to hold a wedding or wedding registration procedures. (Courtesy of @Rab4love Studios/Facebook)

直到某天,兩人在家附近收集回收垃圾時,意外與住在附近的理髮師Richard Strandz 聊起天來,在得知兩人的愛情故事後,Richard 決定出資贊助,幫這對情侶圓夢。他聯繫了自己婚禮顧問的朋友,協助他們辦理結婚登記、拍攝婚紗照、並資助他們的婚禮費用。 

Until one day, when the two were collecting recycling near their home, they accidentally bumped into Richard Strandz and chatted with him, a barber who lived nearby. 

Richard decided to help this couple fulfill their dream by providing financial support.  

He contacted his friend who is a wedding consultant to help them register, take wedding photos, and fund their wedding expenses. 

Richard Strandz接受《每日郵報》報導時表示:「我發現他們已經一起生活超過20年,卻沒辦法負擔一個簡單的小婚禮。他們的故事深深打動我…真愛應該被讚揚和慶祝,不論你是富有或貧窮,這都具有特殊的意義」。 

Richard Strandz told the Daily Mail : “I found out they had been together for over 20 years and couldn’t afford a simple little wedding.” 

“Their story touched me deeply… True love should be celebrated, whether you are rich or poor, it has a special meaning.” 

▲A Filipino homeless couple have been in love for 24 years, but has not been able to hold a wedding or wedding registration procedures. (Courtesy of @Rab4love Studios/Facebook)

新娘Rosalyn Ferrer表示:「我小時候曾夢想能辦一個屬於自己的白色婚禮,但這個想法己經被我遺忘許久。我們一直沒有足夠的錢,每天都為了三餐忙得焦頭爛額」。現在,有機會圓夢結婚她感動的說:「我感到非常幸福,也很感恩」。 

The bride Rosalyn Ferrer said : I dreamed of having a wedding of my own when I was a kid, but I forgot about it for a long time.” 

“We never had enough money, and we were so busy every day with the three meals.” 

Now that she has the opportunity to fulfill her dream of getting married, she says, “I feel very happy and grateful. 


原文自《The China Post

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