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時裝品牌Helmut Lang 藝術家系列商品網站開賣

這已經是時裝品牌Helmut Lang,第五次的藝術家合作系列了。這一回,Helmut Lang轉向攝影師Carrie Mae Weems,尋求靈感和新的合作。「Weems’ Kitchen Table」系列是Carrie Mae Weems,在1990年所創作的攝影集;該系列作品敘述了20世紀末的傳統女性,透過餐桌對於家庭生活和人際關係的紀錄。

正如Helmut Lang的官方聲明所指出,Carrie Mae Weems是「第一位獲得古根海姆回顧展的非裔美國女性,大約有50個展覽以她的名字命名」,她的藝術家生涯超過30年。從1989年到1990年,這位攝影師開始每天在自家廚房桌子上,透過她的女兒、朋友或情人拍攝自己的生活故事。「此系列讓女性成為社會中的主角,女性藝術家可以正式擁有屬於自己代表作。」Carrie Mae Weems這麼說。

印上攝影作品的T恤和海報。可在Helmut Lang官方網站上購買,其中15%的獲利,將捐給社會研究101機構。

Carrie Mae Weems is the fifth artist in HELMUT LANG: THE ARTIST SERIES, curated by former Editor-in-Residence @isabellaburley. This installment focusses on three intimate works from her seminal Kitchen Table Series. From 1989 to 1990, Weems began the daily ritual of photographing herself at her kitchen table, depicting her story as a woman through the conduit of its featured cast – her daughter, friends, lover. The series became a benchmark for female artists owning their representation. Weems is the first African-American woman to receive a Guggenheim retrospective, with around 50 solo exhibitions to her name over a career spanning more than 30 years. Limited edition Carrie Mae Weems posters and T-shirts are available NOW at select retailers worldwide, Helmut Lang stores and WWW.HELMUTLANG.COM. 15% of the proceeds from Helmut Lang stores and online will go to Carrie’s chosen charity Social Studies 101, Inc.

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