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Home » Red Hydrogen One 全像投影的智慧型手機

Red Hydrogen One 全像投影的智慧型手機

「RED」是專門提供好萊塢專業攝影器材的品牌,價格不菲卻仍有許多死忠粉絲。最新消息是RED也即將推出品牌的第一支手機:「Hydrogen One」,並且是全球首款全像投影的智慧型手機。

RED即將推出全球首款全像投影的智慧型手機「Hydrogen One」。圖@Computer tricks & Mobile tricks臉書

也多虧專門提供頂尖攝影器材的「RED」,才打造出搭載了全息顯示螢幕技術、4View顯示模式、採用可對應2D、3D、AR、VR與MR的內容顯示,也就是說「Hydrogen One」不必靠特殊裝備,就能直接觀賞投影的3D影像,而且可以從各個角度,甚至穿透螢幕觀看影像。


Soooo beautiful! #red #hydrogenone

RED Hydrogen One(@oneredhydrogen)分享的貼文 於 張貼

REVIEWS ARE IN FOR RED’S HOLOGRAPHIC SMARTPHONE—AND IT SOUNDS MORE LIKE A LIFESTYLE CHOICE THAN A PHONE PURCHASE When RED announced last year that they’d be producing a smartphone, skeptics were incredulous. How, they wondered, could a high-performance camera company known for its starkly utilitarian designs possibly appeal in a market full of sleek copycats? Now, with prototypes in the hands of a select few, it seems we have our answer; the phone isn’t meant for those simply seeking a call making device, but those looking for “the foundation of a future multi-dimensional media system.” Let me explain. The RED Hydrogen One, as it is called, has been much-touted for its 4V, holographic display. While pictures of the feature were not allowed, TheVerge described it as: Impressive. One caveat, however, is that it doesn’t project outward—a la Princess Leia’s message to Obi-Wan—but inward. Essentially your phone screen gains a depth of field; CNET called it: Immersive. As with all new projection techniques however, 4V could suffer from a lack of content. In an effort to overcome this, Red announced the creation of the Hydrogen Network, a service to share and view content created for—or adapted to—4V display. More info on our website (Link in bio) #red #redhydrogenone #hydrogenone #smartphone #mobilephotography #futuristic #redcinema #holographic

Resource Magazine(@resourcemag)分享的貼文 於 張貼

而「Hydrogen One」的外觀設計,有別其他智慧手機的設計趨勢,採用了比鋁合金更高階的鈦合金機身中框,手機側邊則以波浪紋設計,更方便掌握;後置的雙相機模組,則是使用了碳纖維的材質,整體呈現了十足的機械科技感;RED也宣布了「Hydrogen One」即將會在11月2日正式於美國首先販售,鋁合金版本的預訂售價為1,295美金,而鈦合金版本則為1,595美金。


「Hydrogen One」的出現,有別於現在手機市場上的設計方向,跳脫了現有框架,賦予了智慧型手機更大的可能性;雖然還不能完全掌握「Hydrogen One」的應用功能,但這樣有著極大野心的設計概念,勢必將為整個產業帶來更多的改變。

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