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Home » The Artist is Present 上海余德耀美術館開展

The Artist is Present 上海余德耀美術館開展

由義大利藝術家莫瑞吉奧・卡特蘭(Maurizio Cattelan)策劃,Gucci所支持的展覽《藝術家此在》(The Artist is Present),將於10月11日至12月16日,在上海余德耀美術館舉辦。以該展覽海報為主題繪製的全新藝術牆,已在米蘭、紐約、倫敦、香港四大城市同步亮相。

《The Artist is Present藝術家此在》宣傳海報。圖@Gucci

相信大家對於藝術牆繪製的紅衣女人並不陌生,南斯拉夫著名的行為藝術家瑪麗娜・阿布拉莫維奇(Marina Abramovic),在2010年受邀為MOMA紐約現代美術館進行《藝術家在現場》(The Artist is Present)展覽時,瑪麗娜每天坐在博物館裡長達八個小時,與從各地前來的觀眾凝視一分鐘,其中不乏好萊塢名人或影后。


在 Instagram 查看這則貼文


VERY POWERFUL ?? Marina Abramovic meets Ulay, her ex lover after long years … while doing her performance at MOMA : The Artist is Present. SEE WHAT HAPPENS! ?? For more follow @marinaabramovlc ______________________________ “Long story short, “Marina Abromovic and Ulay started an intense love story in the 70s, performing art out of the van they lived in. When they felt the relationship had run its course, they decided to walk the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting for one last big hug in the middle and never seeing each other again. At her 2010 MoMa retrospective Marina performed ‘The Artist Is Present’ as part of the show, where she shared a minute of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her. Ulay arrived without her knowing and this is what happened.” – story by eco chick ________________________________ I must watch it again and again… This is the most wonderful video I ever saw in my whole, entire life. It’s so sad, touching, full with pain, passion, emotions …. this is something you are lucky to see. I adore the artist Marina Abramovic and my biggest wish is to see her once in my life. ???? I don’t only love her for her amazing work but because I find so much similarities in our past. TURN ON THE MUSIC ! Song “Ulay Oh” – by Ulay _________________________________ Full video and credits https://youtu.be/Pe2vpc9mlWk _________________________________ How about you? What are your emotions? What would you do if you would meet someone after so long time? ______________________________________ #marinaabramovic #MarinaAbramovic #art #moma #artist #love #ulay #passion #pain #lovers #emotions #distance #time #couples #couple #sad #sorry #adore #gaga #ladygaga #performan #performanceart #performer #theartistispresent #Gorgeous #powerful #star #superstar #icon #mai

Lydia Domondi(@ms.luxuryworldtraveler)分享的貼文 於 張貼

不需要言語甚至肢體動作,安靜地感受人與人之間的情感能量流動。而展覽最後一天,昔日情人烏雷(Ulay),在闊別20多年後,悄然現身在瑪麗娜面前,過去相戀10多年的兩人,共同創作出《Relation in Time》、《Imponderabilia》等作品的情感,彷彿在兩人眼神中流轉,侷促不安乃至淚眼婆娑,最終雙手緊握後,令人動容,也使瑪麗娜得到廣泛關注和讚譽。

《The Artist is Present》位於倫敦東部著名的紅磚巷的藝術牆。圖@Gucci


《The Artist is Present》位於米蘭Largo la Foppa地區的藝術牆。圖@Gucci


《The Artist is Present》位於紐約蘇活區拉法葉街的藝術牆。圖@Gucci

因此,Gucci將瑪麗娜熟為人知的畫面,與標題一起置入在全然不同的情境中,從而打破展覽宣傳所帶來的形式限制,進而轉化為一次重要的媒體與文化討論。四面巨型藝術牆,分別位於紐約蘇活區拉法葉街(Lafayette Street)、米蘭Largo la Foppa地區、倫敦東部著名的紅磚巷(Brick Lane)和香港蘭桂坊德己立街。至於位在上海的全新藝術牆,也將於數周後在靜安區豐盛里揭幕,以一面特製壁畫為展覽的開幕造勢。

《藝術家此在》(The Artist is Present)
電話:+86 (021) 64261901

《The Artist is Present》位於香港蘭桂坊德己立街的藝術牆。圖@Gucci
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