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Home » 瑪丹娜對她拍的裸照 並不感到羞恥

瑪丹娜對她拍的裸照 並不感到羞恥



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I am 19. Living in NYC ?. A student at Martha Graham School of Dance. ❌ I modeled For Art Schools around the city to pay the rent. Painting, Drawing and Photography classes. Many of these photos were sold to Playboy and Penthouse when I became famous. The Photographer’s. Exploited Me and then the Patriarchy tried to Shame me for Being Naked. I told the Press “i Was Not Ashamed” and this became headline news. And this turned into A collaboration between Warhol and Haring! ?. I am the proud owner of 4 of these paintings. Given to me later. as a wedding gift. ?. You cannot stop Art by trying to Shame it. Creation always wins. ? #lifeisacircle #art #dance #music #life #creation

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作風前衛大膽的瑪丹娜,其實這張裸照並不是第一次公開,也不是她唯一一張曾流出的裸照。不過她在PO文中說道:「當時年輕的時候,為了繳房租會到藝術學院當模特兒。但當她成名後,由Lee Friendlander和Martin H.M‭. ‬Schreiber所拍的這些照片,卻被賣給《花花公子》雜誌大做文章。

不過當時的瑪丹娜,面對那些負面輿論時,公開表示她並不為她的裸露感到羞恥,這樣的回應被登上了頭條,也因為此次瑪丹娜自信回覆裸照帶來的批評,讓她獲得了與藝術家Andy Warhol和Keith Haring共同合作的機會,並提及「這作品也在婚禮上被當作結婚禮物贈送給我,我為這感到驕傲」!


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