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Home » 速報/趁勝追擊 Ambush再推Converse聯名軍靴

速報/趁勝追擊 Ambush再推Converse聯名軍靴

來自日本品牌的 Ambush 在去年秋冬與 Nike 發佈了一系列聯名,並成功造成搶購後,日前主理人 Yoon Ambush 於 Instagram 再度曝光了一雙與 Converse 合作的鞋款,沒有給各位消費者喘息的機會。


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Recap of NIKE x @ambush_official TAKEOVER at our WORKSHOP ? . #NIKE #AMBUSH

YOON(@yoon_ambush)分享的貼文 於 張貼


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As I see it, athletes and aesthetes aren’t so different after all. The mental state that is required for me to be the best at what I do is the same as what is required for athletes to be the best. It requires discipline, practice and commitment. The medium I work with is my sport so find your creative outlet, be fearless and just do it! ?? . I’m super excited to tell you that the apparel collection is finally launching this week and the sneakers are coming in Spring 19 . @NIKE x @Ambush_official CAMPAIGN 2 The collection’s for both Men and Women ? WILL DROP on 12.6 EUROPE 12.8 TOKYO and ASIA Mid Dec NORTH AMERICA Shoutout to all the creatives in this amazing campaign @hart_leshkina @ibkamara @adesuwa @laurentsai @mckennahellam @storeyrobert @jawaraw #NIKE # AMBUSH #dreamcometrue

YOON(@yoon_ambush)分享的貼文 於 張貼

此次合作鞋款以經典的 Converse Chuck Taylor All Star 為藍本,運用全白皮格材質拼接鞋面,並在鞋面側邊印上「Keep double laced to hold family」和 「Old gusset this side to hold family」作點綴,後跟也印上「Ambush」的字樣。最讓人訝異的是加厚的鞋底與加大的鞋頭,有種 Rick Owens Ramones 的既視感,可說是焦點十足。


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@_0e5t(@0a5ever)分享的貼文 於 張貼

主理人 Yoon 表示,此次合作靈感來自 Converse 過去為美國軍方生產的老式軍用靴,就之前與 Nike 及 Dior 的聯名推測,此次聯名或許還會有更多單品曝光,實在讓人等不及完整發售的那天啊!


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