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Home » 不用流汗就能瘦小腹!每天一分鐘「真空收腹法」練成纖腰



上班久坐導致脂肪堆積在腹部,對女生來說,就算狂練身材、做仰臥起坐,小腹依舊很難瘦下來,如果妳想要擁有緊實的腰部線條,又沒時間上健身房,快試試名為Stomach Vaccums的真空收腹法,只要掌握到技巧,就能鍛鍊腹部肌肉,打擊脂肪,最棒的是不會汗流浹背,在辦公室也能做。

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Happy Sunday my loves! . Little life update for ya For starters, I’ve moved into my new apartment and I have a mattress on the floor, a couple of bar stools… and that’s it After I finished my PhD, I moved into my sister’s house so I didn’t need furniture and honestly didn’t have any of my own. I lived VERY minimally in grad school to say the least. So, I will basically have to furnish this entire apartment from the ground up, which will be fun, but a lot of work, so my place may look a bit bare for a while. . Also, @jeffnippard went back to Canada for the rest of the year, so I will be in this empty apartment all by myself . And lastly, I just uploaded a donut review/fun foodie video from my trip to Vancouver! Go watch it ☺️ and then let me know if you like that style of video from me! It’s a little different than my normal food content so let a girl know . Love you guys so much, don’t forget to take advantage of the Black Friday deals (50% off my program & 35% off @pescience code:STEPH) . Outfit @saskicollection . #sundayfunday #lifeupdate #officiallylonely

Stephanie Buttermore, Ph.D.(@stephanie_buttermore)分享的貼文 於 張貼


美國健美運動員Stephanie Buttermore史蒂芬妮親身實驗,只要每天花一分鐘鍛鍊3次真空收腹法,連續一個月,腰圍就瘦了2公分,腹部肌肉也越來越緊實。如果想要練出更結實的線條,可搭配其他高強度腹部健身運動,持之以恆,就能達到腰瘦的成果。

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